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Human Intelligence Task // Neurons in the Machine

Neurons in the Machine // Human Intelligence Task (©MechanicalTurk) draws on parallels between the understanding of the digital in cybernetics and digital labor, and engages with the materiality of a system where the matter seemingly doesn't matter; where repetitive machine tasks are outsourced to humans. Through a collaboration with Juan Felipe Fernández and Paula Londoño from Bogotá, sharing Fernández' and Londoño's experience as full-time click-workers, the video and performance installation deals with the exploitation of "digital workers" in a platformized system of global extraction of labor. Over the course of a three day installative streaming performance in July at the UdK Rundgang, a 24-hour click-work twitch livestream was exhibited and captured where the informational input as well as the movements and deviations of the workers were translated into the algorithmic animation of an avatar - where the capturing algorithm is not able to grasp the human behaviour behind the digital labor besides the informational input resulting in the subtle glitching presence of an ambivance of the digital and the analogue.For the Ars Electronica Festival 2022 the video material was installative de- and reconstructed, sculpural translated and remixed with livestream elements from Bogotá, on site click-work performances as well as talks and discussions asking us to reconsider our relationship towards the digital.

read about it

-> in the UdK Journal (in german)

-> interview with Paula Londoño in the Universidad Nacional de Columbia (in spanish)

-> article at Agencia UNAL (in spanish)

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